申請入學注意事項 Notice for Application
1. 初次使用線上報名系統者,請先選擇「申請帳號」,填寫個人資料。此系統的帳號將為您的電子郵件地址。
2. 準備報名時,請先將證明文件準備齊全。
3. 報名所需資料(中文或英文版,且為JPG或PDF檔)
(1) 彩色二吋證件照片
(2) 護照 / 簽證(需有個人資料及照片)
(3) 最高學歷文憑\
(4) 健康檢查報告(最近六個月內的檢查報告,表格可到本中心網頁下載
(5) 財力證明
(6) 意外保險資料(可報到時購買學生意外保險)
4. 本中心收到申請資料並審核通過後,將核發入學許可通知書。大約需要3~5個工作天。

Notice for Application
1. Register a new account if you are a new user. Your Email will be the account number in this system.
2. Before you fill in the application form, please make sure the required documents are ready.
3. Required Documents (Chinese or English translation is required if the above mentioned documents are in other foreign languages. JPG or PDF file are required. )
A. 2-inch photo
B. Photocopy of the first page of the passport (passport number, name and personal details and photograph must be clearly shown.)
C. Photocopy of diploma or student card
D. https://clc.nsysu.edu.tw))
Recent Health Certificate (The report within 6 months.please download the Health Check form from our website, https://clc.nsysu.edu.tw)
E. Financial Statement (showing at least US$2,500 within the past 3 months If statement is in your parents’ name, you must also submit their signed guarantee letter promising financial support.)
F. Document of insurance (All students are required to join the following insurance plan if they don’t have any oversea insurance. Student of the CLC above 20 years old and below 70 years of age shall join the accident insurance program of TransGlobe Life(TGL) Insurance as an insured person. (NT$2,160/year)
4. After receiving the application form, the CLC will immediately examine the student’s qualification. Once the application is accepted, the CLC will send out the “Letter of Admission”. It usually takes 3-5 working days.
